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Wednesday 8 March 2017

Raashi Khanna and Rakul Preet Singh Released Special Videos For Women's Day.

Raashi Khanna and Rakul Preet Singh Released Special Videos For Women's Day.

Actresses Raashi Khanna and Rakul Preet Singh released special videos on the occasion of International Women's Day on Wednesday.

Both of them have very important messages to share with the world.  In a video titled "Believe in You", narrated and produced by Raashi, the "Jil" actress asks "Why are we afraid living the way we want to.

Why do you have to compromise your dreams and give up. Whom are constantly fighting, whom are you competing with?"  She went on add that as women, they are not here to race against men, but to thrive together.

"A soul has no gender, yet we are fortunate to have a woman's body. Fortunate to be the most beautiful expression of the universe. Embrace it and celebrate.

You're beautiful and powerful and deserve every chance in the world. Then, what is that stops you? Is that judgmental voices that discourage or is it something that's within," she said.

Watch Video : Raashi Khanna  Special videos on the occasion of International Women's Day 

Raashi said women should define the way they want to be.  Rakul Preet, on the other hand, in a very different take on Women's Day, asked in a video why we remember women, their achievements and their struggle just for a day.

She asked why it always takes a Sunita Williams or a Nirbhaya to make people talk about us.  She also asked why it is an issue with what women wear and how they look, and why do they need to be corrected about whom they choose to love.

Rakul also made it clear that women don't scale heights by hooking up with their bosses, and that their intellect shouldn't be considered lesser.

Watch Video : Rakul Preeth Singh Special videos on the occasion of International Women's Day 

On a concluding note, she said women don't need any hypocrytic celebration in the name of Women's Day.
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